Kumiko Sudo, is todays inspiration. I am sharing a couple of simple flowers that I learned through her publication:
Fantasies & Flowers: Origami in Fabric for Quilters.
If after trying this you are inspired...and you will see how easy it is to make fantasy flowers then I highly recommend owning a copy of this book. The book is informative and entertaining. Her flowers come with stories.
Let's start with a tulip.
As with all instructions, I suggest you read all the way through.
Materials and other Requirements: template material, small amounts of fabric (5'" squares are ample)
FOLDED FLOWERS ~~~~ Part 1 (illustrations & template drawings below)
1. Place two template pieces RST*, sew around scant ¼” seam, leaving an opening for turning RSO. Blind stitch opening shut. Press.
2. Fold along line B
3. Fold corners B to A, pin as shown.
4. Stitch along edge of B as shown, make sure stitches are only catching A, and not going thru to C
5. Turn over, stitch B points to center line of C, again stitches should only catch C
*Pressing with a starch product, gives crisp folds and will assist you learning this, however finger pressing is sufficient. **(rst= right sides together, rso= right sides out)
#3 At this point you need to decide which colour will dominate, I decided the red would be the ‘outside’
B fold is now stitched to A, an accordion pleat is created.
Create another accordion pleat on both sides of A, when you fold B points to the back and stitch closed.
(accordion pleats not visible here)
Hexagonal template for Tulip (one inch graph )Possible shapes for leaves.
I leave the leaves to you and your imagination.
Remember to have a strong contrast between the background and your flowers. Here's a picture of a folded flower (foxglove) though very pretty doesn't show well because of the background.
Another shape, with a bit of gathering creates a Bleeding Heart.
Part two is a Daffodil.....coming soon.