Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tutorial~ Folded Flowers

Kumiko Sudo, is todays inspiration.  I am sharing a couple of simple flowers that I learned through her publication:
Fantasies & Flowers: Origami in Fabric for Quilters. 

If after trying this you are inspired...and you will see how easy it is to make fantasy flowers then I highly recommend owning a copy of this book. The book is informative and entertaining. Her flowers come with stories.
 Let's start with a tulip.
As with all instructions, I suggest you read all the way through.
 Materials and other Requirements: template material, small amounts of fabric (5'" squares are ample) 

 FOLDED FLOWERS ~~~~ Part 1 (illustrations & template drawings below)
1. Place two template pieces RST*, sew around  scant ¼” seam,  leaving an opening for turning RSO. Blind stitch opening shut. Press.
2. Fold along line B
3. Fold corners B to A, pin  as shown.
4.  Stitch along edge of B as shown, make sure stitches are only catching A, and not going thru to C
5. Turn  over, stitch B points to center line of C, again stitches should only catch  C
*Pressing with a starch product,  gives crisp folds and will assist you  learning  this, however finger pressing is sufficient. **(rst= right sides together,  rso= right sides out)


#3  At this point you need to decide which colour will dominate, I decided the red would be the ‘outside’

B fold is now stitched to A, an accordion pleat is created.

#4  B corners are folded to the back, and stitched

Create another accordion pleat on both sides of A, when you fold B points to the back and stitch closed.
(accordion pleats not visible here)

Hexagonal template for Tulip (one inch graph )Possible shapes for leaves.
I leave the leaves to you and your imagination.
Remember to have a strong contrast between the background and your flowers. Here's a picture of a folded flower (foxglove) though very pretty doesn't show well because of the background.

Another shape, with a bit of gathering creates a Bleeding Heart.
Part two is a Daffodil.....coming soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Okay RANT time.....what is wrong with this book title.  It's just too cute. duh.

Sew Liberated: 20 Stylish Projects for the Modern Sewist

Sometimes we do need a  new or 'adjusted' word.  A new word for a new occupation,  new discovery,  new invention, new idea or perhaps a revised idea  etc.   Sewing is not new,  the modern age began after the middle ages. So what is this 'sewist'  ick.  How about spew....a word that makes you want to spew, does that make me a spewist or am I still a spewer?
I know I am over reacting... sometimes I do or is that sum times I do.  Language can be fun.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Favourite Places (a challenge)

I belong to a group of fibre artists. We challenge ourselves to create pieces around a theme.
We have had two challenges thus far. The previous one was done this past Sept. and based on the Elements. January's challenge was called
"Favourite Places". This tries to be representational of all the places that land (no pun intended)
 in my 'favourite places' file.  Sadly I was unable to come up with a way to depict the plurality of  places. So this depicts two things that are in all the places I consider favourites. I love trees, and cannot be far from water.
Happy Friday,

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Lovely Little LuLu

Presenting our Lovely Little LuLu...she arrived on Saturday.  She's 8 weeks  old, and all the family loves her
Happy Cat


They look better 'live'...13 new cones of thread to start the new year and of course most of them are blue!
Happy Monday,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

OLD old Wedding Dress

Greetings and Salutations!

I hope everyone's entry into the New Year 2011 was a pleasant event.

My DH and I went to a party, the first in several years. When the New Year
was rung in I hid in my DH's arms until all the kissing and hugging was over.
I dislike the fawning of semi inebriated men (mostly unknown) at New Years.
That's a tradition that in my not so humble opinion can go the way of the dodo bird.
That behaviour will get you a 'cold'.

Okay onto more interesting bits. While in my neighbourhood Quilt store
a few weeks ago. I witnessed the gal from the 'antique' shop trying
to give the QS owner an old wedding dress. She was repeatedly asking her if
she wanted or knew anyone who would be interested in having the
dress she was holding. Apparently, she didn't and didn't know I waved my hand and said I do crazy quilting, might I have a look at it.
Aha! she said with a big grin (woman on a mission) you look it's yours and it is.

The mesh has bits of glass (not beads) melded  somehow?
It disintegrated  on touch

The fabric was in shreds and fell apart just looking at it....this dress has been reduced to a few pictures and

sleeve using fringes and french knots 

Back of  dress/french knots
some beads. The work put into this piece is mind boggling. The french knots
in this garment have opened my imagination to their possible usage.
I'd like find out how old it was....sometimes it would be good if things could talk.... (grin)
Just think of the stories this dress could tell.
Happy Thursday!