Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Recycle" The story of Trish's Quilt

This quilt is called "Recycle".  It is going home to the maker's
son.  Son works in our neighbourhood's solid waste management arena  (where is this
going?) Well, the symbols for this industry are green and circular, the quilt was made
with mostly scraps. It is a happy quilt, all those lovely bits of fabric. It sure made this long armed quilter happy as she recognized so many fabrics and  hung out in the memories 
that belong with them for a few hours.

Spirals and a small circle, and a small swirly thing along the
edges.  The edges were serged, and there was a generous seam allowance for points. 

Every quilt has its challenges, true here too. This one is large, lots of piecing, bias edges.
 Translates into a  heavy quilt and  some wonk to the edges. Having quilted many quilts I say
fore warned makes life a bit easier.
As I got closer to the end (even though I was careful with "the wax off wax on")
I knew there would be stretch as I got to the end of the quilt.
To tug on a quilt, or moosh it around too much (there is a lot of stretch in fabric)
 is to give myself a big head ache. (Gently, gently always gently. )  

It looks like a lot of fullness, not really though,
carefully as  George watches, I pin down the edge easing in the fullness, watching that the pattern lines are straight.


Sew...go back to the top for  another look at the finish  ...turned out great.  Trish's idea of the spirals was a great finish to this happy quilt.
Happy Sunday,
ps the picture was the correct orientation on the desk top, don't know how
to fix it, don't strain your neck muscles looking   :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely quilt, lovely pusscat. Great day to be inside with the quilt looking out.


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