Sunday, May 13, 2012



I am a lucky woman! Read on.
Sweet Dreams & Fat Quarter Tours

As the lucky mate of a quilter it's been my pleasure and privilege for the last decade or so….. to drive the back roads and blue water routes through our part of the country, accompanying my favourite fabric fondler on what we have come to call "Fat Quarter Tours".   By times they include picnic baskets for al fresco lunches, beggar's banquets of lunchtime sandwiches and afternoon snacks laid out by riversides or lookouts, and at least once a year there's a weekend of overnights at  Great Lakes shores and motels with pools to warm wintry bones.   The common thread, if you'll excuse the pun, is the acquisition of 'Fat Quarters', those eye candy fabrics piled appealingly by the check out counters of Quilt Shops, just like candy bars and gossip rags at Grocery Store checkouts, but not as fattening.  In fact, Fat Quarter bundles can be downright slimming, as far as wallets are concerned.

While there are always buying frenzies, when bolts of fabric are found on distant store shelves that are ' the perfect colour' to match a current project, a wonderful new pattern to build the next project around, or the one final bit of cloth to bring her PIGS (Project In Grocery Sacks) out of said sack and onto the cutting table and eventually her long arm machine…'s the Fat Quarters that always wins the heart and mind of my "Material Girl".    Yesterday's purchase of a veritable garden of Fat Quarters portraying vegetables and fruits will soon be a harvest table full of place mats.    

Yes I am the mate of a quilter.   A lucky man.   For I get to sleep under blankets made with love.    And once a month or so I get to be tour guide on a Fat Quarter foray.   

So to all of you who are reading this, pass it along……to partner or pal….your favourite picnic packer or back road lover.   Fat Quarter Tours are the perfect way to get up off the couch, out of that online nerd nest, away from the lawn mower, weed wacker, chain saw or snow shovel.    They're good for Quilter AND Mate.     Call it fabric foreplay for the "Material Girl".     Life's good.   And then there's another quilt to play, snooze and dream under.

Sweet Dreams !   And send news of your favourite Fat Quarter Destinations.   We're creating a fabric fondlers atlas. 


1 comment:

I would like to hear from you.