Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I found an amazing site, look (top) RIGHT at the side bar for a link to " DIY" 
many many tutorials for bags.  Awesome! I have many bag patterns and 
now this resource. Time to make a new bag or five.

Monday, May 17, 2010


 This quilt measures 122" x 107". I mentioned in a previous blog, quilts are getting bigger.  Families are acquiring large pillow topped mattresses. I can remember when a larger bed may have been useful in my home...3 kids and pets, but this nest is empty now.
 I had to fold top edge, in order to photograph it...didn't want the all white back to find any dust bunnies (rhinos) behind the bed.  It took a long time to quilt or so it seemed, one row took 2 + bobbins.  The bobbin winder got a workout (smile)

Wishing you all a happy Monday,

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hidden Treasurers

I belong to a small group of like-minded fibre artists.  We work around a theme and challenge
ourselves to step out of our 'boxes'  .This is where you will find us.
I invite you to have a look at our first completed challenge.
Happy Saturday

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hand made Buttons

Just a little bit of interest...
I have been known to do 'crazy quilting', and so have collected bits and bobs to that end.
 Look what I found. They were not  what I was looking for, but  I am glad I ran across them.
Happy Tuesday~

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Log Cabin Hearts.... no more trouble here.

No more trouble here, and I didn't have to frog. (ripit ripit) Whew! That was too close for comfort, ripping stitches out is a very tedious chore, as I am sure you either know or can imagine.

 I am so pleased that the quilt turned out as nice as it did.  No reason it should not have, really.  It started out pretty and though it was smaller through the middle than  at the ends, and  yes I created an additional headache for myself...it is a really pretty quilt soon to be bound in a soft pink...wish it was mine.

Happy Sunday,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

There's trouble here!

Ohmigosh! The back of a lovely "Log Cabin Hearts"
quilt.  I was working very carefully watching the
issues on the front. (that's my poor excuse)   I took it off the frame to turn it.  Look Gudrun look!  What to my wondering eyes I did see...ohmigosh. Now what?
Not so happy this Thursday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What's in a phrase?

I know I am not unique, really I am not :))   Therefore,  there are others  that have a problem with certain use of words and phrases.  I am not thinking curse words here.
 So here's my little rant on the phrase 'don't forget.....'.
When I hear  'don't'  the first thing I think is 'now what?' It puts my back up, so to speak.
I resent the fact that the speaker thinks I have or will forget.  I might but 'you' don't have
to make me feel bad about my ability to remember. As far as 'you' know, I may choose to forget.
It would be so much more positive to hear  'please remember'
Well! since you asked so nicely, I certainly will.
Thanks for listening/reading.

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Big Quilts

Quilts are getting larger. Perhaps it is the pillow top mattresses, whatever the cause I just finished quilting
a 115 X 97 in. panel quilt. Client said to do as I liked but to keep it in the basic panto budget. I was unable to come up with a pantograph that I thought  would do the panels justice.  So the end result was more custom quilting...SID (stitch in the ditch) using the panel frames. I made templates of two different eagles and added those with an open meander in the open spaces.  It took a long time :)) Not in the basic panto budget but that's my problem.

Back showing the outline of one of the eagle silhouettes.

This quilt measures 100X100 inches.  It was a kit, I purchased in 2006 while visiting my Mom and Dad.
I will never purchase a full quilt kit again...I have no idea what I was thinking. I hope I can sell this one.
The purchaser will need a fondness for green.
Preferably, a fondness for Bright green!  I had to use the flash for the  quilting close up, making an
incredible difference in the pictures.  However,
it's still green.
Happy quilting