This is the second one, a bit different, used a log cabin block down the left side, more silhouettes not as much hand work. I gave it to my MIL.
I did not buy three of these panels, but someone was charmed with them, thought I did such a marvelous job with the first one he gifted me with a couple more.
I cut the last one apart, lost the pot of flowers, & had lots of fun. In the outer border I stitched silhouettes of cats, but later decided there was too much of that green, trimmed the border and cut the headsand feet off a couple of the wee creatures. DUH.
I thought I had come to the end of my session of cat quilts so I use squares of cat material on the back. Apparently I am not done with cat quilts. I have another one pieced.
It's not a panel, and I call it Ode to Willa. Willa is where ever it is that wonderful cats go, when they leave us forever. She stayed with us for 19 years, and left us a year ago.