Saturday, October 13, 2012

Green is leaving

Just as the colours are fading I had the pleasure of quilting this pretty green and white quilt, with a pale green backing.   Quilted with a large open leaves. It was a pleasure to work on it.

How about that punny title :))Happy Saturday,

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Finish.

This quilt  has occupied most of my personal quilting time of late. Finally it is finished.  Okay truth is the label isn't on, but it has "idendifiers" quilted into it.
The pattern is my version of  a Butterfly Log Cabin.  It is not entirely batik fabrics, but mostly.  It is  a wedding gift.  I don't believe the wedding couple :) visit my blog, but if they do they will see it for the first time.  I decided to take the chance and post the pictures anyway.
And as I won't be seeing the  happy couple for awhile, I have the quilt hanging in The Fabric Shoppe, the place where I purchased the fabrics.

 Quilted with a plethora of vines and feathers.

A soft green back.

I am quite fond of this quilt, although it has stilled my desire for repetitious piecing. Next up is something without a lot of planning or measuring. Happy Friday Folks,

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's a Project

First there was the wedding and lots of company.   I had so much fun...maybe too much fun cuz now then the work began.

 We started on a home improvement projects. Our home circ 1912,  needs some fixing.  We have the 'aluminum guys' coming to do some outside work, soon we hope  :))   The arborist and crew will be pruning trees and removing one  :(
We are doing some inside work. Gone is the rusty brown coloured carpet.  Underneath we found  a hardwood perimeter and a soft wood center, very splintery.  This centre received an immediate painting, a couple of coats of floor paint in a light colour. The hard wood needs some work as well, all together not too bad.  As I am not a fan of wall to wall carpet, I am very glad the carpet is gone.

Also gone is the old green dog/fold out couch...and as we are mostly? empty nesters there will be a re-arranging of the spaces/rooms, a more practical approach to our space and habits.  Of course the couch is still on the deck, as it needs to be separated from all it's metal for re-cycle.  Fun with a sledge hammer.
Stay tuned for the wall colours...and such.
Happy witchey and warlock friends.