Monday, August 22, 2011

What I did on my Summer Vacation

I took these two characters with me
Mostly we sailed.
Absorbed  the beauty of the region
It was a vacation more then satisfactory on all counts.

I hope yo'all get some time away.
Happy Birthday Andrew!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Beginnings

The first day of the rest of my life.. those cute sayings seem so appropriate today.
First day of having an empty nest....last one flew (no pun intended)  to Sweden yesterday to start a new life as a teacher in Gavle, Gavleborg, Sweden. That's along way from Southern Georgian Bay, On., Canada.

Saturday I waited  for movers, today I wait some more....other one has moved from the temporary fully furnished lodgings to a dirty apartment that has a new bed, sleeping bag, pillow and clothing, there awaiting 'stuff''.  I have to say it is an  Organizational crapshot....could be worse  I do my thing by pointing out that one could be under a bridge with a card board box.   One needs to keep oneself,  'UP" in these most annoying days.
This is really just little crap...keep smiling.