Thursday, November 29, 2018

Indroducing the youngest family musician

Hello World

This is my grandson, he  has discovered he can make music. Life is good.

Busting those scraps

The weather wasn`t cooperating enough to take an out door picture of this.  I haven`t posted pictures for some time, if I wait for weather now that I am motivated to post...I may lose the mojo.

This is a scrappy wonky log cabin, started some time back. Several years, I am guessing.                    
It was an excercise in reducing the string scraps.  It was  also an escape from the tyranny of practically perfect piecing. 

 Here`s a view of the stained glass windows on the upper portion of the staircase.

Back of quilt. 
Hey ho,  I have a number of quilts that require recording here....back soon.