Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Was it a Vacation?

I have been visiting with my mother, in northwest B. C. for the past couple of weeks, which is (mostly) why the blog has been quiet.
 The last two years my mom has been struggling with the loss of her husband and the maintenance of her home.  This past visit she acknowledged what she does and doesn't want, to make a long story short, I am now her property manager.  The past two weeks were spent
working on her back yard.  The edges and  the 'wayback' have been sadly neglected for a long time. Also my father was a 'saver' he brought back as much from the dump as he took to it. :))
His daughter sends her apologizes for getting rid of the collections, but she has absolutely no idea what to do with them...happily she found others that did have uses for some treasures, the rest went to the landfill.
The before and after pictures tell the story. What several able bodied people with shovels and rakes could do in a few days was done by one able bodied man and his landscaping machines did in a day and half.
Sort of like hand quilting and machine quilting eh!
Even though it is early to be planting I threw in a wack of grass, clover and wild flower will be what it will be.  I am positive it will be a lot better then what was there. Devil clubs are not a good landscaping choice.  The next project is the new water line for township water (which came to the street last fall)....wahoo no more pump/well and water pressure issues.
Happy hump day folks!