Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What I did on my Summer Vacation

I think these pictures say it all.  I spent several days away sailing and watching our dog 
go frogging.

After a while the water would get well 'stirred up'...but there would be the on going staring contest,
A couple of times in appeared as if the frogs jumped at him ....too funny.

Our waterside property has changed so much.  My FIL designed and built a dock, to suit his
boating needs in 1984/5,  a year of high water.  That  first year the water would lap up, on to the

dock.  Our children grew up with water coming to the top or near top of the dock ladder.
The water was just below the bottom step (above pic) in 1986. We are at the end of a small bay
an excellent place for frogs, turtles, beavers, muscrats, herons, small male humans in boats, with fishing lines  :))  It isn't a beachy swimming kind a place it used to be, but I still love it.
Happy Wednesday,

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