Friday, February 25, 2011

Colour catchers~~ product endorsement

I needed to wash a quilt.  (We have a puppy.)  I knew it would be a night mare to wash, as just a small spill, a long time ago caused mega bleeding.  I have hung it in the breeze and have had it 'dry cleaned'  But I am not a fan of 'dry cleaning'  So  I washed it my  regular way, cold water, gentle cycle.  I used three sheets of "Shout" brand colour catcher, one more then recommended in the instructions. I am well pleased with the result. The picture tells it all...that is a lot of loose colour they caught.

Colour cathers rule!



  1. It's a great feeling when you pull a quilt out of the wash and find that it is in good condition! Congratulations

  2. Oh, I have been looking in Wal-Mart for these, with no success! Where did you find them? Glad to hear that they actually do work. :-)

    Julie Andrea

  3. Julie, I purchased them from a local crafting shop. She does mail order, I can forward her information if you like, but you might try a 'craft' shop first. I have also seen them in the 'notions' sections in some online shops...but where google will know :))

  4. Thanks Gudrun!

    I have a puppy too .. he puts the "$hih" in Shih-tzu! LOL I'll try the local shops, and Fabricland, maybe Can Tire and Zellers too. It's amazing how much dye comes out of cloth.

    Take care ... Julie Andrea


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